2012 the year in review

      It's was a good year for the underdog


                                  Dogs Rescued This Year


 This year in the New England area people have been more active in neutering and less people have been breeding so we have had a noticeable drop in dogs being taken in at the shelters which have been overwhelmed in the past years with the amount of homeless dogs they had received . 

 Another high point when the Governor passed a law where no dog shall be judged based on breed so any law passed would apply to a Golden Retriever as well as a Pitbull and thats how it should be every dog judged by their actions not their breed.

This year almost everywhere BSL has been put in action it has failed miserably and has been reversed all but a few stubborn places have admitted that banning Pitbulls did nothing to increase safety and was costly and almost impossible to enforce I want to thank all the people who helped us by fostering or by helping us to find homes for these dogs you have all done a great job and because of it things are starting to turn around.

                           Darla below wearing the clown hat
                  was a special case she lived  in Dee
                 from Mass Paws car for two months 
                 But she never gave up on her & she is
                   now in a great home.


These pictures are just some of the dogs that were placed in homes because of everyone's hard work and dedication .

                                             Thank you all